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World’s most dangerous plant can cause ‘suicidal tendencies’ if someone touches it (wit)

The “most dangerous plant in the world” can cause suicidal thoughts in anyone who comes into contact with it

There is one plant which is considered to be one of the most poisonous in the world and which causes pain like “getting an electric shock and burning at the same time”.

The plant “Gympie- Gympie” it is usually found in its tropical forests Australia and her Indonesia and has such a powerful venom that its sting can be compared to an “electric shock”.


If that doesn’t scare you, consider that its sting causes so much pain that it might even cause “suicidal thoughts”.

According to the BBC, the “horror plant” is usually kept in botanical gardens and can be seen close to Alnwick Garden’s Poison Gardenin his Northumbria The United Kingdomwhere it is kept in terrible security, and visitors are forbidden to approach.

The first case of the plant causing havoc occurred in 1866 when a horse was stung by its thorn. The poison drove the horse completely mad, before it died from excruciating pain.

This plant is also reported to have caused at least one suicideafter a man was forced to shoot himself when he fell into the bushes.

According to the chief tour guide at Alnwick Garden’s Poison Gardenthe plant has “tiny needles” on its tips which, “if they sting you, they cause a burning sensation all over the victim.”

That plant it causes crippling pain in the aftermath 20-30 minuteswhile the pain continues for several months afterwards pinch.


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