The request to replace 24 hours to 26 hours was made by a mayor in Norway, as the hours are no longer enough
Sport News

The request to replace 24 hours to 26 hours was made by a mayor in Norway, as the hours are no longer enough

Norway’s northernmost region has requested the Commission to allow it to add another two hours to the twenty-four hours.

An arctic region of Norway plans to establish a new foreigners’ day 26 hours to have more time for his “unique lifestyle”.

THAT Wenche Pedersenits mayor Whoaof a city within the Arctic Circle, sent a letter to European Commission with which he suggests the idea. He hopes to get approval, as the next phase will be for the EU body to advise the Norwegian authorities to use the new watch.

The specific reasons for extending the traditional 24 hours by two hours are unclear, with Ms Pederson saying it is to “celebrate and promote” the local lifestyle. Vadsø and the surrounding area seem to be struggling to attract residents and tourists, and it is hoped that a new clock will help advertise the town.

With the lengthening of the days Pedersen he hopes more people will be inspired to move to the remote area. Ensuring the region’s habitability is “more important than ever” in light of Russia’s war on Ukraine, she added. Pedersen.

“We like our lifestyle and think it could be very exciting, especially for families with young children. I think it’s a calmer and better everyday life than, for example, in a big city” remarked the mayor.

Could it actually happen in 26 hours?

THAT Norway is not a member of it EUbut the country is part of it The European Economic Area (EEA). While an EU directive regulates daylight savings time agreements, whether it has the power to create separate time zones is another question.

According to a Commission official, time zones are a matter for the countries themselves, so it is unlikely that the EU will be able to accommodate the region’s request.

Nonetheless Pedersen he hopes at least to spread the uniqueness of the north Norway.


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