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Leonardo DiCaprio: He “burns” the Playboy bunny – he is too old and has a special taste in bed

In far from flattering revelations about Leonardo DiCaprio, Playboy’s rabbit continued in an interview he gave on the occasion of the cover he made for the Dutch edition of the men’s magazine, which he called the 49-year-old “old and strange” among other things actor while also bearing witness to the… strange preferences of the famous star in bed.

22-year-old Hieke Konings claimed in her interview that she met DiCaprio at a nightclub in Los Angeles and shared a kiss with the famous actor.

“We were at a private, invite-only nightclub in Los Angeles. I saw him sitting there wearing a hoodie and a black hat and we made eye contact,” she began her description meet with DiCaprio.

According to the 22-year-old, it was the actor’s manager who told her “Leo wants to talk to you”. After approaching DiCaprio, the young woman says they exchanged a brief kiss, which she described as average: “It was ok, but definitely not the best I’ve ever had.”

The 22-year-old who burns Leonardo DiCaprio

His next step DiCaprio, according to the 22-year-old, was to invite her to the house she lived with, and she rejected the proposal. “He reacted shocked. He was obviously not used to it. When I told him I didn’t know him well enough to go out with him, he was polite. But after me he turned to another girl and went with her.”

Finally, in the same interview, the 22-year-old shared the experiences of his friends who spent the night in DiCaprio’s bed, saying that “one of them told me that he likes to wear headphones during sex because he wouldn’t hear her. Another told me she even went so far as to put a pillow over her head.”

“No, for me o Leonardo DiCaprio he is very strange and very old” concluded the 22-year-old rabbit in his opinion of the 49-year-old actor.

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